Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Who's idea was this anyway?

So my place of employment has been going all around campus remodeling the restrooms. It was well overdue as many of the bathrooms did not even have urinals. Many of them simply had 4 regular toilets. It was frustrating not having any urinals, and I figured there was a lot of wasted spaced, but I did not figure this would happen.

They have transformed these restrooms to now have two urinals and one toilet. The floor next to me has about 100 people on the floor....75 of which are probably male. While the 2 urinals get the #1's in and out quicker....the fact that only one toilet exists for 75 guys is just ridiculous. Seriously. Its not fun to wait in line for 18 minutes after lunch if you know what I mean.

These 2 urinals are spread so far apart that the designer must have been especially conscious of the annoying "peekers" that we all hate. But I say move them closer together, add a divider half wall, and squeeze one more toilet in there. PLEASE.

Oh, and I won't even get into the sink issue with the "auto hand sensing" technology that never works and the fact that you can not change the water temperature. Corporate America....gotta love it.

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