Tuesday, July 10, 2007

ESPN the butcher

I almost forgot.....

Can ESPN possibly butcher anything else? Seriously. First they got outside of their speciality and started making awful movies about Bob Knight, Nascar, and the Yankees. Reality shows like Dream Job and Poker coverage starting cutting into my Baseball Tonight and NFL Live time. Next, they took Monday Night Football and made it a complete joke in one season while NBC transformed Sunday Night Football into one of the greatest weekly sporting events. Then, last night, I could not have imagined a worse broadcast of the homerun derby. Seems to me that just about every camera shot completely lost the ball. Was it just me? I know the sun was tricky in San Fran, but come on....these are professionals. You can't tell me they weren't able to already know how the sun would affect things. Add that with Joe Morgan (self explanatory but to see more go to: FireJoeMorgan.com) and the pathetic coverage by Ravech, Phillips, and Kruk back in Bristol (seriously, do we really need in-depth analysis coverage of something so trivial as the homerun derby?). Oh, and I really really really do NOT care who each of you picked to win the derby. ....very pathetic ESPN. Maybe this is why Dan left.

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